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About me

Urs Brunner

I have been chasing the perfect picture for almost 40 years.

My first camera was a compact roll film camera that I received as a gift from my godmother when I was 18. This camera was perfect for taking everywhere. But I soon wanted more: more image quality, more applications, more photography. I bought my first SLR camera, the Yashica 230AF, with which I really learnt the craft of photography. In 1994 I switched to Nikon with the F90X, which I still own today. After an excursion into videography for several years, I returned to photography in 2004 with my first digital camera, a Nikon D70. Other models quickly followed.

I currently shoot with Nikon D850, Z8 and Z9, which are all used together at concerts.

I am interested in and offer all kinds of photography:
Concerts, portraits, landscapes, fauna and flora, macros, action, black and white, technology, processes, travel photography, low light, reportages, etc. (see the many photo galleries for examples).

And the best thing about it:
Even after many years, I can still learn something new at every shoot.

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